Monday, February 22, 2010

2010 Cost Saving Initiatives at NuBev

Are your ingredient COGS getting out of hand? Is our beverage quality going down the drain? Do you have a new company initiative to reduce costs and increase 2010 profitability? Are your vendors not treating you like a customer?

NuBev, Inc can help...

We have years of experience replacing existing beverage formulations with high-quality, low cost alternatives. We have saved many customers around the World millions of dollars while securing them with reputable, cost-effective and high performing ingredient vendors. And most importantly, the product flavor/taste profile remains unchanged while your packaging and labels can stay the same. Although some partners have requested to improve their formulas and therefore increase sales!

For more information, please contact us at

Thursday, February 18, 2010

NuBev Website Launched!

The NuBev website is up and operational! Check it out at

Monday, February 15, 2010 going live This Week!

Keep an eye out... will be online this week!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Natural+Low Calorie+Great Taste

New obesity initiatives set forth by the Obama administration brings beverage companies into the limelight for calorie declaration. Is it possible to have a low-calorie or zero calorie drink that is naturally sweetened and still tastes great. Yes and NuBev can help you get there.

Friday, February 5, 2010

NuBev on Twitter & LinkedIn

Make sure to follow NuBev on Twitter!

Connect up with us on LinkedIn

NuBev, Inc Website Coming Soon!

Scheduled to launch mid-February!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bottled Water Shown to Have Lightest Environmental Footprint among Packaged Drinks, New Study Finds

Nestle Waters North America Releases First Comprehensive, Peer-Reviewed Scientific Evaluation to Examine Carbon Footprints of Packaged Beverages

GREENWICH, Conn., Feb. 4 /PRNewswire/ -- A new study released today finds that water, in all its forms, has the least environmental impact of any beverage choice. And when compared to other packaged beverages, including soft drinks, sports drinks, enhanced waters and juices, bottled water has the lightest environmental footprint. The "life cycle analysis study," available at , was commissioned by Nestle Waters North America and conducted by Quantis International, a well-recognized leader in life cycle analyses and related applications.